Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bereaved Parents are Powerful!

Dealing with the death of a loved one is very hard, but not impossible. Dealing with the death of a child is particularly difficult and the most difficult to survive. The grief and pain of losing a child are never ending. I would say that grieving parents never get over losing a child. As a bereaved parent myself, I know that we relive the moment we got that terrible news over and over again, day after day. The fact that you’re reading this blog right now (and that I’m writing it) means that we are survivors and much stronger and more powerful than we realize. Even though we have to live with our grief and pain for the rest of our lives, that doesn’t mean that we can’t be productive and get some enjoyment out of life. We just have to understand that God has a purpose for everything and that most successes, inventions, and prosperity come from adversity. In most cases, the greater the adversity, the greater the reward.
As bereaved parents, we have to allow ourselves an appropriate grieving period. This will be different for everyone, so don’t let anyone rush you to “get over it.” Once you are ready to figure out your life and where you go from here, is here to help you figure it out.
There will come a time when you will stop asking yourself “why?” questions and start asking yourself “what?” questions. You will stop asking questions such as: “why did this happen,” “why couldn’t I prevent it,” and “why my child;” and start asking questions like: “what do I do with my life now,” “what is the purpose of this,” and “what can I do to help others in the same situation?” At that point, know that you are beginning to heal. I know that none of us will ever forget our children, and we will always hold on to and talk about our memories of them; but we still have a future and a wonderful life ahead of us.
Visit to learn more.  Please join while membership is still free. I look forward to getting to know about you and your child.

Love, Jacqui Nock

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